[PC]Error code: 0x80070035 The network path was not found

Error code: 0x80070035 The network path was not found

Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP:

  1. Go to “Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections”.
  2. Right-Click on the connection and choose Properties.
  3. Click “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Version 4” in the list.
  4. Click Properties, and then click Advanced.
  5. On the Advanced TCP/IP settings windows, go to “WINS” tab.
  6. Under NetBIOS setting, click “Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP”, and then click OK.


“So at least I determined this is most likely a helpful fact in resolving this. Going into “services.msc” I made sure that all the obvious services are started and running:
DCHP Client, Homegroup Listener, Homegroup Provider, Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper, NetTcp Port SHaring Service, Network Connections, Network List Service, Network Location Awareness, TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper”

For what it’s worth department. I tried ALL the above suggestions to no avail but in my case the following worked for my situation.

Go to Control Panel
Go to Credential Manager on each Windows 7 machine on the network
Under Windows Credentials, type in the name of each machine, username and password

It sounds too simple but it worked for me. The shared files and folders popped right up after this!

Method 1:
This could be an issue if the security software is interfering with the connection. You may temporarily try to disable the security software and check what happens. Also change the Windows Firewall settings and check if that is causing the issue.
Disable antivirus software
Firewall settings
Firewall: frequently asked questions
Understanding Windows Firewall settings
Allow a program to communicate through Windows Firewall

Method 2:
The error code 0x80070035 indicates that the network path is not found. This behavior occurs if the NetBIOS over TCP IP is not enabled in Windows Vista. Please follow the steps below.
a) Click “Start”, input “NCPA.CPL” (without quotation marks) and press Enter.
b) Right click on the connection that you use for the local connection, and then click “Properties”.
c) Click Continue button to verify the administrator permission.
d) Click to select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”, and then click “Properties”.
e) Click “Advanced” button in the open window. On the “WINS” tab, click to select “Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP”, and then click “OK” to save the setting.
The following article introduces NetBIOS over TCP/IP



범용 입출력 (포트) general purpose input/output

입력과 출력을 마음대로 선택할 수 있고, 0과 1의 출력 신호를 임의로 만들어줄 수 있는 구조를 가진다. 입력으로 사용할 때는 외부 인터럽트를 처리할 수 있도록 하는 경우가 많다. 입출력 방향 전환용 레지스터와 입출력용 데이터 레지스터 등이 필요하다. 참고로 마이크로컨트롤러에서는 대부분의 핀들을 GPIO로 설정하는 경우가 많다.

General-purpose input/output (GPIO) is a generic pin on an integrated circuit or computer board whose behavior—including whether it is an input or output pin—is controllable by the user at run time.

1.GPIO 소개 및 핀배치
2.Output 테스트 (LED 출력, 파이썬)
3.Input 테스트 (스위치 입력, 파이썬)
4.Output 테스트 (LED 출력, C언어)
5.Input 테스트 (스위치 입력, C언어)
6.스크래치로 GPIO 제어하기
7.I2C 통신 설정하기(Python)
8.Character LCD(CDL4162) 사용
9.서보모터 제어하기
10.전구와 신호등 만들기

GPIO (Tristate Buffer)의 정체와 GPIO ISR

[pi]I2C 통신

inter-integrated circuit
1. I2C 통신이란?
-하나만 마스터가 되고, 나머지는 슬레이브가 됨 -> 슬레이브의 주소를 항상 붙여야 함 -> 긴 데이터는 부적합
-동기화 통신 방식 -> 시간에 자유로움
-2개의 선을 이용

  1. I2C(TWI) 통신

– 가장 큰 장점은 단 2가닥의 선으로 여러 대의 기기와 연결하여 통신이 가능하다는 것임

[vba]파워포인트에서 자동으로 실행되는 프로시저들

Excerpted from : AutoEvents Add-in for PowerPoint 2000 and later

  1. Sub Auto_Open() – Gets executed immediately after the presentation is opened.
  2. Sub Auto_Close() – Gets executed prior to the presentation is closed.
  3. Sub Auto_Print() – Gets executed prior to the presentation being printed.
  4. Sub Auto_ShowBegin() – Gets executed when the show begins.
  5. Sub Auto_ShowEnd() – Gets executed when the show ends.
  6. Sub Auto_NextSlide(Index as Long) – Gets executed before the slideshow moves onto the next slide.

[wall]Control layers

Control layers

  1. 코넬대 Jonathan Ochshorn가 작성했다.
  2. 벽체를 4가지 환경조절 수단으로 설명하고 있다.
  3. 벽체는 열, 강우(물), 수증기, 공기를 조절한다.