역사적인 건물에 신재생에너지를 도입하거나, 에너지를 합리적으로 사용하기 위한 프로젝트가 있다. 이름하여 New4Old Project! 이를 운영하는 사이트 주소는 http://www.new4old.eu/ 이다.기존 건물에 어떻게 필요한 에너지를 효과적으로 공급하고 관리할 것인가에 대한 기술적인 자료가 함께 제공되고 있다. 특히 건축가를 위해서 말이다.
아래는 사이트의 소개글
New energy for old buildings
Promoting the integration of RES & RUE measures in historic buildings
Project Description
project New4Old is committed to significantly contribute to Renewable
Energy Sources (RES) & Rational Use of Energy (RUE) market
penetration in historical buildings through a two-fold approach:
- Creation of a network of Renewable Energy Houses
(REH) which will serve as focal points for the sustainable energy
policy discussion in the different EU Member States & contribute to
the commercialisation of RES & RUE equipments.- Capacity building among architects and planners
through guidelines and training activities in the field of building
integration of renewable energy and energy efficiency into historic
buildings. Inspired by the success of the REH in Brussels, it is the
intention of this project to lay the ground for the creation of publicly
accessible REH lighthouse projects, which will serve as a base for
further stimulation of the market replication of RES & RUE
technologies in the respective countries. All REH of the network will
always feature the latest renewable energy and energy efficiency
technologies available and will serve as demonstration projects for the
proposed communication and marketing activities.Project Duration
September 2007-September 2010